How to Cure Dog Hip Dysplasia

Dog hip dysplasia is a disease that very often causes lameness. It is in fact a hereditary pathology that leads to a degenerative process of the joint of the pelvis for which the head of the femur no longer fits perfectly to the cavity intended to receive it - the acetabulum - and leads the joint of the animal to lose stability. Dysplasia can be mono or bilateral, i.e. it can affect one or both legs of the dog.

The two joint heads rub against each other, causing cartilage wear and pain; over time, the dog may also develop deforming osteoarthritis. This pathology tends to occur between 4 and 12 months, but the symptoms can appear later, around two years of life. It has a progressive trend that tends to get worse over the years.

What is dog hip Dysplasia?
Dysplasia occurs when a dog's hip joints do not develop properly and allow the pelvis to partially dislocate. For a dog, this condition can lead to various types of consequences: from pain, more or less acute, to extreme difficulty in moving. What causes dog hip dysplasiaIt is mostly a genetic condition, although environmental and dietary factors contribute to the problem. Large and giant breeds of dogs such as German shepherd, Great Dane, Saint Bernard, Golden Retriever and Labrador tend to be more predisposed, but can also occur in subjects of other sizes and breeds.

Being a hereditary pathology dysplastic dogs have a very high probability of transmitting it to their offspring for this reason, to reduce its incidence, the breed clubs have imposed limits for mating: only dogs with a suitable degree of dysplasia can be reproduced. To worsen the condition, some environmental factors can also contribute, such as excessive and incorrect physical activity and an unbalanced and / or too caloric diet which leads to an overweight. These factors can aggravate but not cause disease if the subject is not predisposed.

Symptoms and diagnosis of dog hip dysplasia

Initially, an intermittentlameness can be seen which improves with movement but tends to get worse over time. With the aggravation of the pathology between the symptoms of dog hip dysplasia we find painful joints, with consequent reluctance to movement and difficulty climbing stairs, getting up and sitting properly, and weakness of one or both legs. Muscle atrophy may be noted. Typical is the "rabbit" gait, with the dog jumping on the hind limbs.

You should pay attention to these signs and go to the veterinarian who will carry out manual tests on the hips and legs and will perform some radiographs, in case you suspect the presence of the pathology. In subjects at risk, however, a preventive orthopedic examination and a radiographic examination to be carried out already at 4-6 months of life , in order to be able to intervene, in predisposed puppies, in a very delicate and fundamental life phase because we are witnessing rapid growth and the joints are subject to continuous changes.

What to do if the dog has hip dysplasia?

Nutrition is essential: always privileged ranging feed that use high quality raw materials, without chemical additives and with a low percentage of fat that should be administered in adequate amounts to maintain the proper weight of the dog. The optimal physical activity of the dog with hip dysplasia involves slow and constant exercise. It is important to avoid frantic runs, jumps and stairs.

The ideal would be physical activity in the water, to better stimulate muscle development without weighing on the joints, or long walks on a leash. In severe cases where osteoarthritis is already present and the symptoms evident, it will be necessary to combine drug therapy based on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or corticosteroids. Both these groups of drugs, however, have serious side effects that prevent their long-term use and are mainly used in the most acute phases. Although it is difficult to cure dog hip dysplasia, the combination of a healthy diet, joint supplements, anti-inflammatory drugs, maintaining a normal weight and the right type of exercise can be very useful and effective. The treatment of the disease has the aim of reducing pain, with the maintenance of joint function, and slowing down the progression of degeneration.

Finally, if the condition is very serious, surgery can be performed. In fact, there are various types of interventions, up to the complete replacement of the joint with a joint prosthesis in subjects with high-grade dysplasia. Furthermore, to  make dogs experience the  pathology as serenely as  possible, the Dogs Health brand offers orthopedic products, easily applicable even by those who are not experts, which allow you to carry out the natural movements of everyday life, supporting your instincts and helping you recover without trauma.

About the Author:

I am a professional content writer. Now my article is
on DogsHealth .  Hip Dysplasia in Dogs Winston's Products are the #1 source for immediate, long-term relief for dogs suffering from diseases like hip dysplasia and arthritis.



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