Pain in dogs

Pain is a defense mechanism essential to the survival of the species: at the origin of avoidance behavior, it makes it possible to reduce the cause of the pain or limit its consequences. For example: a dog breaks a paw. Without the onset of pain, he would continue to use his injured limb, which would aggravate the lesions.

The mentalities concerning the treatment of pain in animals have evolved in recent years and it is now possible to limit the suffering of an animal, whatever the cause (following surgery, progression of a arthritis process…).
Do not hesitate to inform your veterinarian of your concern if you have the impression that your dog is suffering: he has at his disposal many analgesics ("pain-relieving" drugs) to relieve your companion.
What are the different types of pain?

There are two types of pain:

Ø  The acute pain appears suddenly and is generally of traumatic, surgical or infectious origin. Of limited duration, it retrocedes quickly (if the cause of the pain is removed) and responds well to analgesics.

Ø  The chronic pain appears more insidiously, and can extend over months or years. It is linked to an evolving malignant process (cancer pain), to a slowly evolving degenerative process (arthritis pain) or following acute pain (post-traumatic pain). Chronic pain is more difficult to identify and responds less well to pain relievers. This is why it is essential not to let the pain settle in and to treat it as early as possible.

Cancer pain is often qualified as “recurrent acute pain”: it seems to fluctuate around chronic “basic” pain, with acute painful flare-ups.

What is the mechanism of pain?

Whatever the cause, the physiological mechanism of pain is always the same and can be simplified as follows:

Ø  Any lesion (injury, irritation, inflammation, etc.) immediately causes a nervous message picked up by the "nerve endings" or pain receptors, present in all body tissues: muscles, viscera, skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, pleura, peritoneum, meninges ...

Ø  This message is then transmitted by nerve fibers to the brain, passing through the spinal cord.
Ø  Once it reaches the brain, the message is perceived as pain.

Ø  A motor reaction is set up by reflex: avoidance of pain, flight…

Ø  The body's reaction to pain is not limited to avoidance movements only: the body also reacts by secreting natural morphine’s, endorphins or endo-morphine, which play a pain-inhibiting role.
Whatever its location, pain is perceived by the brain.

How to recognize pain in dogs?

Acute pain is relatively easy to highlight. Even if the dog in consultation with the veterinarian tends to mask his suffering, an attentive owner will have noticed at his home some typical signs of pain:

Ø  A change in appearance: especially eyes wide open with dilated pupils or, on the contrary, a veiled look with semi-closed eyelids.

Ø  Acceleration of breathing.

Ø  Mood disorders: prostration, agitation, nervousness ...

Ø  Abnormal postures depending on the location of the pain: removal of limb support, modification of the wearing of the ears, modification of the wearing of the head ("tucked in" neck), rapid and shallow breathing, tucked up abdomen, hard belly, arched back , low tail ...

Ø  Changes in gait: stiffness, lameness, refusal to perform certain movements, etc.

Ø  Changes in activity: compulsive licking, scratching ...

Ø  Vocalizations: complaints, groans, rumblings, barks ...

Ø  Defense or aggressiveness reactions when handling the painful area.

- Chronic pain is more difficult to identify. It often results in changes in the general state: weight loss, lack of appetite, sleep disturbances, unusual calm, lack of interest in play and those around, punctual aggressiveness. These disorders are similar to a depressed state.

> Certain breeds of dogs (shepherds, mastiffs ...) are known for their stoicism and their tolerance for pain. Conversely, poodles and burrows are particularly sensitive to pain (even if there is no scientific basis for it). An attentive owner will however always be able to recognize that something is wrong with his companion.

How to relieve pain?

- The treatment of acute pain is based on treating the cause of the pain, when possible, and on the administration of analgesics. Many classes of drugs can be used:

Ø  Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): ketoprofen, carprofen, flunixin, piroxicam, meloxicam, cimicoxib, robenacoxib, firocoxib…

Ø  Opioids: butorphanol, buprenorphine, morphine, fentanyl, methadone ... These molecules are administered by the veterinarian, pet owners cannot have them at home.

Ø  Local anesthetics: lidocaine, bupivacaine…

Ø  Analgesic sedatives: a2-agonists.

Ø  Central anesthetics administered at very low doses: ketamine.

Depending on the case, analgesics can be administered orally, by injection (intravenous, intramuscular or epidural), rectally (suppository) and recently by transdermal route in the form of a "patch" applied directly to the skin after mowing.

Many practitioners use painkillers as a preventive measure before surgery. This makes it possible to stop the painful message induced by the surgery as much as possible, to reduce the quantities of anesthetics required and therefore to limit their side effects. Do not hesitate to find out about the protocol used by your veterinarian before, during and after the procedure.

The treatment of chronic pain is based on the use of analgesics but also antidepressants or sedatives, in relation to the depressive state that accompanies chronic pain. It is accompanied by more general measures, mainly environmental.

These measures are obviously individual, but we can cite: positioning of the bowls in height for the dogs suffering from stiffness in the neck, use of ramps so that a dog having difficulty in moving does not have to go up or down stairs, sleeping on special pain relief cushions (in visco-elastic foam)…

Cancer pain responds well to analgesics at the start of their development, but over the long term there is tolerance to drugs and physical dependence which make painkillers less effective. But do not worry, your veterinarian has other molecules or other physiotherapy measures to relieve this type of pain.

How to set up an analgesic treatment?

Setting up a long-term “pain plan” requires a real dialogue between you and your veterinarian.

Ø  Strictly observe the dosage (dose, rate of administration, route of administration, duration of treatment, etc.). Do not give anything from your own pharmacy: the side effects of paracetamol and aspirin in particular can be disastrous on an animal. Do not increase doses, change pain relievers, or combine multiple pain relievers on your own.

Ø  Immediately report the appearance of side effects (diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, etc.).

Ø  The response to an analgesic is individual: each dog or cat responds differently, it is sometimes necessary to try several before finding the one that relieves your animal.

Ø  Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment together.

About the Author:

I am a professional content writer. Now my article is on Dogs Health.  The warning signs of cancer in dogs that deserve your attention Winston's Products are the #1 source for immediate, long-term relief for dogs suffering from diseases like hip dysplasia and arthritis.



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